Medical Students Examine Unconscious Patients Without Consent | Fox News

Medical Students Examine Unconscious Patients Without Consent | Fox News: "Australian and UK medical students carried out intrusive procedures on unconscious and anesthetized patients without first gaining consent, reported Friday.

The unauthorized examinations included genital, rectal and breast exams, according to Australian women's magazine Madison, and raised serious questions about the ethics of future doctors.

The research, to be published in international medical journal Medical Education, describes -- among others -- a student with "no qualms" about performing an anal examination on a female patient because she did not think the woman's consent was relevant.

Another case is of a man who was subjected to rectal examinations from a "queue" of medical students after he was anesthetized for surgery.

The author of the study, Professor Charlotte Rees, voiced concerns about senior medical staff ordering students to perform unauthorized procedures, leaving the students torn between the strong ethics of consent in society and the weak ethics of some medical staff."

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