Report recommends Qld doctors face criminal probe - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Report recommends Qld doctors face criminal probe - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation): "A former medical board investigator says a report recommending criminal charges be considered against six Queensland doctors should go further.

The report is the result of an investigation lead by former Fitzgerald inquiry prosecutor and Brisbane barrister Jeff Hunter.

Mr Hunter was hired by the State Government following whistleblower complaints last year, and asked to determine if charges should be laid against doctors who were disciplined over the deaths or harming of their patients.

The ABC has obtained a copy of the report, which recommends six doctors be referred to police for possible criminal charges involving 23 cases.

But whistleblower and former investigator for the Medical Board of Queensland, Jo Barber, says that figure should be closer to 100.

"I am very surprised that they have only chosen to look at six doctors," she said.

"I worked at the medical board and I am familiar with the files there and there are many, many more than six doctors that should be investigated for criminal offences."

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Six Queensland doctors face criminal charges over harm or death to their patients

Six Queensland doctors face criminal charges over harm or death to their patients | The Australian: "SIX Queensland doctors have been referred to police and risk facing criminal charges over the harm or death of their patients.

Health minister Lawrence Springborg says up to 11 medical bungles had been attributed to one practitioner.

The potential police action was one of four recommendations in a report from top criminal law specialist and former crown prosecutor Jeffrey Hunter SC into allegations of medical malpractice by Queensland doctors.

That report was sparked by former medical board investigator turned whistleblower Jo Barber, who lifted the lid on the issue last year.

Mr Springborg says incidents in the report were from public and private hospitals and private clinics from across the state.

It will prompt law changes to alter the way medical malpractice claims are handled in the future, he says."

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serious crimes committed by QLD doctors and then covered up by our oversight authorites

Vindicated CMC Messenger and Critic to attend PCMC public inquiry: ""This PCMC enquiry has obviously uncovered a culture of corruption and/or dysfunction within the CMC. It has vindicated Jo Barber’s and my public warning issued last year about corruption and/or dysfunction in the CMC ” said Mr Messenger.

It’s now up to Premier Newman to release the findings of the final CMC reports (Mr Hunter SC)  ordered by former Judge Richard Chesterman and prompted by Ms Barber’s public interest disclosures to the crime watchdog over a year ago. The Hunter report could expose serious crimes committed by QLD doctors and then covered up by our oversight authorites including the CMC, QLD Health and AHPRA.

The release of the Hunter report could further vindicate Ms Barber and my actions, better protect QLD patients and bring criminal doctors to justice. Premier Newman who launched an extraordinary personal attack on me on SKY TV a year ago -  regarding this matter, must now give a guarantee, that the Hunter SC report’s release is not being delayed for political reasons linked to the upcoming federal election campaign in Hinkler.”"

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Why the TGA should make it harder for people to get Xanax

Why the TGA should make it harder for people to get Xanax: "This class of drug poses significant risks of misuse and dependence, paradoxical reactions, disinhibition, amnesia and intoxication"

In the setting of sympathectomy, interference with any of the effectors evokes immediate, precipitous declines in blood pressure

"From the finding that removal of the sympathetic nerves did not affect blood pressure much, Cannon inferred that the sympathetic nervous system did not contribute to blood pressure in intact, undisturbed organism. In the 1980s, however, several reports showed  that sympathectomy compensatorily activates other effectors, such as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, the vasopressin system, and the adrenal medulla, and compensatory activation of these effectors maintains blood pressure at approximately normal levels. In the setting of sympathectomy, interference with any of the effectors evokes immediate, precipitous declines in blood pressure. Because Cannon was so firmly convinced of the functional unity of the sympathoadrenal system, which would be activated only in emergencies, he never considered adequately the possibility that the sympathetic nervous system might indeed contribute to levels of blood pressure and other monitored variables under resting conditions." 

Adrenaline and the Inner World:  An Introduction to Scientific Integrative Medicine

Front Cover
JHU Press01/04/2008 - Medical - 328 pages